Iva Brejlova and Naty Chladkova from project www.rolu.cz have put together, among other things, a list of countries that are of interest to them for investments in technology companies. Can you guess the ones in the first places correctly? Check them out and other interesting facts about Czech investors.
It’s good at home, but also abroad
While investors in the Czech Republic announced eight dozen investments in startups in 2024, deals were also brisk abroad. Funds with the highest number of deals concluded on domestic soil were usually among the most active in concluding deals abroad. The highest number of investments was announced last year by Presto Ventures, with the newly opened Presto Tech Horizons (a joint venture with the Czechoslovak Group arms manufacturer), which was also among the most active on the foreign scene. In total, the funds announced twelve investments.
The highest number of deals on the domestic startup market were closed by investors from Czech Founders VC, announcing nine during the year. The most active funds also include Kaya VC, Credo Ventures, Purple Ventures and Depo Ventures. The number of investments does not indicate their size, which depends on the fund’s setup and usually increases with the number of investment rounds of a given startup.
Interest in participating in early stages
When Czech investors directed their money abroad, they usually looked for startups that had already completed their initial investment rounds. Most of the financial support was directed to the Seed or Late-seed phases (Czech investors announced a total of 25 such investments). Only after this did interest in the very beginnings of young companies (Pre-seed with eight investments) or, conversely, more mature companies appear, participation in the Series A and Series B phases appeared (in both cases in four announcements).
Where do they think it is worth directing money to the funds?
It could seem that if they do not choose Czech projects, they will look among Slovak ones or in another country in the Central and Eastern European region. However, Czech investors are most interested in the United States. That is, startups that are headquartered there, a total of 23 percent of the announced investments went to such technology companies. However, many of them are run by people from other countries, and in this respect we are already staying in the region: in addition to American founders, there are founders from Ukraine, Romania, or Poland.
European projects resonated among Czech investors. They sent money mainly to British (ten percent), Estonian, German, and Slovak companies (each roughly eight percent).
More detailed Startup Data here: https://www.rolu.cz/