Dumplings Hack 1.0.1

25.Mar 23






The Dumpling Hack Ideathon was recently held in Taipei to deepen cooperation and collaboration between the Czech Republic and Taiwan in the innovative sector. The Czech-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce and Startup Kitchen organized the event, and the team BUSINESS COPILOT became the most innovative dumpling of 2023

The teams could choose from six challenges and had 24 hours to create their ideas and presentations. The winning team addressed the issue of scaling to new markets and created an AI-powered connecting platform. Marketa Pekarova Adamova, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, considered the Dumplings Hack an excellent appetizer for future cooperation between the two countries in the startup sector. The event was the first-ever ideathon between the two countries and has already resulted in new partnerships and hatching collaborations.


Partners of the Dumplings hack were CzechInvest with their Technology Incubation project, Taiwania Capital, TaiwanPLUS, Meet Global, Tawan Digital Diplomacy Association, and Startup Terrace.




more about THE IDEATHON

The goal was to hack the growth and develop tailor-made solutions for DUMPLINGS HACK partners and the Czech-Taiwanese business community in AI/IoT, circular economy, e-mobility, healthcare, nanotechnology, and smart cities.


    • Issue:       In general CO2 emissions from aviation fuel are 3.15 grams per gram of fuel, which gives CO2 emissions from a Boeing 737-400 of 115 g per passenger per km. One flight between Prague and Taipei amounts to 664 kg CO2 emissions, so how can we fight CO2 emissions? Or is the only solution to take a train? 
    • Brain wrecker:        How to tackle CO2 emissions? Is taking a train or a boat the only eco-friendly solution?
    • Issue:       More than 300.000 tourists visited Taiwan in December ’22, however, could this number be increased? There are many remarkable places to visit so how to promote Taiwan as a tourist destination? 
    • Brain-wrecker:      What tactics would double to triple the number of tourists until the end of 2024? How to promote Taiwan as the dream tourist destination? Can we utilize any lessons learned from other countries?
    • Issue:       Expanding to a new market is an arduous process. Without local connections and knowledge of the local market and culture, a Czech company/startup expanding to South-East Asia might fail easily. Vice versa, a Taiwanese company/startup testing the waters of the CEE region might crash as easily. At the same time, there are various well-established institutions that provide high-quality services of B2B matchmaking and partnership building. 
    • Brain-wrecker:      How to connect the companies/startups considering business expansion with the already existing institutions? How to promote these institutions? What virtual tools or platforms can aid the promotion of Czech-Taiwanese business relations?
    • Issue:    Websites have become the digital business cards of every company — they are the first place to go when checking a new potential business partner, a new product, or a service. Besides the plentiful, more and less technical factors that determine the ‘fate’ of a website in SERP, the netizens’ requirements on the UX/UI parameters are soaring with gamification and virtual reality taking over.
    • Brain-wrecker:      How to stand out in the infinite digital ocean of websites? How to create an interactive website for Czech brands to attract a Taiwanese audience, from Gen Zs to boomers?
  5. Unlock Innovation: Unleash the Potential of Technology Transfer!
    • Issue:       Technology transfer refers to the process of transferring knowledge, skills, or technology from one organization, individual, or country to another. It can include a wide range of activities such as licensing of intellectual property, joint ventures, collaborations, spin-offs, research and development partnerships, and the sharing of scientific and technical knowledge. Technology transfer often faces challenges such as insufficient funding, inadequate collaboration between academia and industry, limited public-private partnerships, inadequate commercialization experience, and potential bureaucratic obstacles. Together, we can identify innovative solutions to overcome the challenges and obstacles in technology transfer and drive the growth of the innovation ecosystem.
    • Brain-wrecker:      What are the main challenges and obstacles that need to be addressed to promote effective technology transfer, and how can they be overcome? What can be done by the state to support Technology transfer? What could make a good tool to boost Czech-Taiwanese relations in Technology transfer? What is the state’s role in supporting innovative ideas to become reality, and what actions can be taken?
    • Didn’t like any of the above? Come up with your own challenge that will improve the relationship between Taiwan and the Czech Republic! Once you have the idea, email it to tom@startupkitchen.community and we will let you know!



Prizes for winning teams:  

  1. st Place
    • Symbolic Trophy, One-year-membership in the Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber, Interviews with leading Czech media outlets, Company presentation at the Main Startup Stage at the Smart City Summit & Expo (Thursday, March 30), Interview with TaiwanPlus, the leading English-language news platform in Taiwan, Opportunities to self-promote and grow your network with Czech and Taiwanese business partners, Media coverage
  2. nd Place
    • One-year-membership in the Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber, Interviews with leading Czech media outlets, Company presentation at the Main Startup Stage at the Smart City Summit & Expo (Thursday, March 30), Opportunities to self-promote and grow your network with Czech and Taiwanese business partners, Media coverage
  3. rd Place
    • Entry to the Smart City Summit & Expo (Thursday, March 30), Opportunities to self-promote and grow your network with Czech and Taiwanese business partners, Media coverage

Every other participating Team also got the chance to participate in the business delegation program, was invited to some of the business meetings, and attended the Smart City Summit & Expo.




And who was on the Jury:

Mitch Yang

Managing Partner of CEE Fund Taiwania Capital, Taiwan,


Director of Czechinvest, Czech Republic,

柯旂 Chi Ko

Supervisor of Global Affairs, Business Next Media 


Co-Founder of Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber, Czech Republic,

Bimal Kapoor

Deputy CEO, TaiwanPlus

Jury Members did not judge the code or finished product (there just won’t be enough time), they focused on the idea and its innovativeness, originality, and impact on the selected topic.




Global Investment Manager at Taiwania Capital

Director of AI HUB at Czechinvest

Venture Capital Investment Professional at Taiwania Capital

Global Investment Manager at Taiwania Capital

Head of CZ Desk at Sparring

Marek Hrubes

VC/PE Lawyer

Peter Skrla

Angel Investor


Chairman of Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber


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